/usr/local The original idea behind '/usr/local' was to have a separate ('local') '/usr' directory on every machine besides '/usr', which might be just mounted read-only from somewhere else. It copies the structure of '/usr'. These days, '/usr/local' is widely regarded as a good place in which to keep self-compiled or third-party programs.

usr_local | All The Flavors User: usr_local Score: 5 Entered: over 3 years ago. This is one of the best strawberry vapes I have tried. It is in my rotation and an ADV! The cookie in the background is perfect and the strawberry just blends all together with everything so nice. This is a well balanced mix. This user has entered no notes. FAQ - Documentation — Homebrew Documentation Why does Homebrew prefer I install to /usr/local?. It’s easier /usr/local/bin is already in your PATH.; It’s easier Tons of build scripts break if their dependencies aren’t in either /usr or /usr/local.We fix this for Homebrew formulae (although we don’t always test for it), but you’ll find that many RubyGems and Python setup scripts break which is something outside our control. Error opening data file /usr/local/share/tessdata/eng -I/usr/local/include -o _test test.cpp -ltesseract_api -lfreeimageplus. RAW Paste Data We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the Cookies Policy. OK, I Understand. create new How to remove all old and outdated brew packages on MacOS

CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX — CMake 3.0.2 Documentation

In Linux (and many other Unix-like systems) you have bin (common user tools) and sbin (conventionally, system administration tools) under each of the root directory, /usr and possibly /usr/local, depending on system importance of the tool. (Both /usr and /usr/local can be separate from the root file system.)

/usr/local The original idea behind '/usr/local' was to have a separate ('local') '/usr' directory on every machine besides '/usr', which might be just mounted read-only from somewhere else. It copies the structure of '/usr'. These days, '/usr/local' is widely regarded as a good place in which to keep self-compiled or third-party programs.

Jul 12, 2019 RE: /usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint: line 8: exec